Thursday, June 28, 2007
It's in the papers - in case you missed the advertisement, Ewen Chia is giving a FREE seminar on Instant Internet Business - How you can start your own Internet Business and make REAL Money online in less than 10 minutes from now!
It's a 2-hour session worth US$397, but you're going to get it for FREE! In this coming seminar, you're going to discover the following (itenary copied from news advertisement):
- How To Really Make Money On The Internet…Even If You Have Zero Technical Knowledge!
- The ONE Word That Will Stop Information Overload And Get You REAL Results Now!
- How To Easily Transform Your Internet Business Into A Long-Term Consistent Income Stream That Will Exceed Your Full-Time Income Quickly!
- How To Get Profitable Products To Sell Online Without Having To Create Them!
- How To “Work From Home” And Enjoy Real Financial Freedom With The Internet Once You Know These Secrets…It’s Far Easier Than You Think!
- How To Use FREE Resources On The Internet To Make Your Fortune Without Risk!
- 3 Super-Easy Techniques To Create An Unstoppable Frenzy Of “Buying Traffic” To Your Website Instantly!
- Why You Should Never Attend Another Internet Seminar Or Bootcamp Without First Coming To This Session…The Truth Will Really Shock You!
When is the seminar
This seminar will be held on on:
Session 1: Tuesday, 3rd July 2007 - 7.30pm - 9.30pm @ Hotel Furama City Centre (Chinatown MRT)
Session 2: Thursday, 5th July 2007 - 7.30pm - 9.30pm @ Sheraton Towers (Newton MRT)
How To Register?
Alternatively, you can call 6299 4677 to register.
You can also register online at Here's the screenshot of the site:
For those who want to know whether or not I'll be going for the seminar - the answer is YES!! I'll be attending the seminar.
I'll be attending session 2 - that is, the session held on Thursday, 5th July 2007 from 7.30pm - 9.30pm @ Sheraton Towers (Newton MRT).
If you like to join me, please let me know - either by emailing me at or leave a comment in this post. We can do a meet up and go together, while discussing about Internet Marketing stuff along the way! :)
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I really hope to see you there!
Jun Yuan Lim
Monetizing Your Web with Adsense
Sunday, June 24, 2007
For those of you who have decided / have already decided to create a web (either a blog or a website), the next question you'll probably ask is - "What sort of content should I create in my blog or website to maximize my earnings with Adsense?" or "How do I structure my web to maximize my earnings with Adsense"? I've got a video here from Joel Comm (the #1 Adsense Expert), that answers your questions about monetizing using Adsense - Enjoy the video:
I somehow can't seem to get this video up on my site - here's the link you can click on to view the video (Click here for the video)
For those of you who already have a blog / website that have lots of content, but have yet to place Adsense in it and start monetizing, its time to do so!
Any questions? Don't be shy - feel free to post it here and I'll be happy to answer them. :)
Have a great weekend!
To your success,
Jun Yuan Lim
Which One To Focus?
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
There are lots of high-quality products available on the Internet on Internet Marketing today - tonnes and tonnes of new ebooks coming out everyday talking about things like having a good squeeze page, optimize your site for search engines, PLR (Private Label Rights) articles, etc. Not forgetting the tonnes of teleseminars, mp3s, videos that are also readily available online about these topics.
Surely you can't focus on everything. I can't focus on everything either. So which one to focus on?
I'll like to show you a short video from Joel Comm, who has answered this exact question coming from one of his subscribers - take a listen:
I totally agree with what Joel has said - pick one topic, and focus on one till you succeed. Previously, I also made the same mistake trying to grab as many thing as I can on all the topics on Internet Marketing, but failed miserably. Trust me on that. I failed BIG TIME! Now that I'm focusing on one topic at a time, I'm beginning to see some results - not great results as you think I would have achieved, but significant improvements. :)
Hope this video helps. Good luck!
To Your Success,
Jun Yuan Lim
Elements of a Good Product Sales Page
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
What constitutes a good product sales page? Whether or not you have a product to sell, it is essential you know the elements of a good product sales page. Why do I say so? If you are an affiliate marketer, knowing the elements of a good sales page will help determine whether or not a particular product is worth your time promoting. If you have your own product to sell, creating a good sales page will help increase product conversions - resulting in more money going into your pocket! :)
I'll like to share with you today a 50-minute video from Ewen Chia as he talks about the elements of a good sales page. Click here to download the video.
Here's a summary of the video:
If graphics is used for a header (optional), it should be:
- Professional (Graphics should look professional. Ewen recommended 2 sites for good web graphics - and
- Graphics should have your picture (to increase credibility and let people know they are dealing with a human being and not a robot)
- Main benefit of your product
- Your product URL
Headlines should be used to describe the ultimate benefit of the product you are selling - it should NOT focus on features. People are not interested in what features your product have, but how would it benefit them. It should answer the question of "What will my buyers get ultimately when they purchase my product".
The headline should be outstanding - it should get the attention of your potential customers. You can do so by using thicker fonts for your headlines (Ewen recommends using either Tahoma or Arial Black for headlines). You can also grab the attention of your potential customers by using bolding, highlighting, underlining, italics appropriately.
Sub Headline
Sub Headline (optional) is used to describe what your product does.
Body of Salescopy
- Include your photograph in your sales copy, and also, if possible, an audio as well. This can greatly improve your credibility and create branding. Having an audio will seem as if you are there physically talking to your potential customers. This is a great plus if you have it in your salescopy.
- Have as many sub headlines as possible in your sales copy - use them to help portray your product benefits. Use of sub-headlines also help in the ease of reading.
- Break up paragraphs into short sentences. Use single sentences to illustrate important points (use bolding, highlighting, italics to bring important points across if necessary).
- Ewen recommends using Arial size 12 for the words in the sales copy.
- Use of phrases such as "Information can be found in Page XX" to arose your potential customer's interest in buying the product.
- Have product purchase links midway through the page to allow people to click on it and go directly to the bottom of the sales page that allow them to purchase the product immediately. (Having such links will help improve product coversions)
Bullet Points
- Ewen recommends the use of bullet points. The more bullet points there are in a product sales copy, the easier it will be for a product to be sellable.
The purpose of having testimonials is to help bring across benefits and credibility. Benefits are treated as 3rd party endorsements and many people make purchases based on these 3rd party endorsements.
Each testimonial should have a full name of the person who gave the testimonial, his/her photograph (if possible) the country he/she is from, website (if any). DO NOT hyperlink the website address, as it will lead to people clicking on it and bringing them away from your product sales page (you wouldn't want that to happen).
One tip given by Ewen in his video is that a good product sales page should not have any hyperlinks other than the order link.
Money Back Guarantee
You should have a money back guaranteee so as to give people more confidence in buying your product. Also, you should make use of a "Money Back Guarantee" logo to make it more believable and tangible.
Use a different background color (use bright colors) for your "Money Back Guarantee" column so as to make it stand out.
Graphics of Your E-Book
By having a 3D picture of your e-book in your product sales page will make your product stand up, and to increase the tangibility of your product.
Order Form
Your ebook should appear in the order form to bring up the tangibility again.
You should have graphics to denote the different forms of payments acceptable (Credit Cards, Paypal, E-Gold, etc.)
Make your order form outstanding - make use of Johnson boxes.
Yes! People love bonuses - your bonuses should be placed above the final order button. Highlight the benefits of your bonuses. Let them know the value (monetary value) of each of your bonuses. Let them know the total value they are getting should they purchase your product.
One final thing Ewen highlighted is the use of opt-ins in your product sales page. He sited the fact that people usually do not buy when they first visit your product sales page. Therefore, if you do not have any way to capture your potential customers, you will not be able to follow up with them.
Ewen described 3 different types of opt-ins a product sales page could have - namely:
1. Having a separate name squeeze page before your product sales page to collect your prospective customers' name and email address. This means that before anyone can visit your product sales page, they will have to enter their first name and email address before they can proceed. (Thereafter, you can follow-up with them with 5 - 7 autoresponse messages telling them the benefits of your product).
2. Having a opt-in form within the product sales letter.
3. Having a pop-out pop-in page. A pop-out pop-in page is a pop-out that appears when you enter a product sales page that tells you to sign up for some free ebooks or e-course.
If you have the time, I'll like to strongly urge you to watch the video. It is very informative and it gives one a very clear idea on what a good sales copy must have. To download the video, please click here.
That's all from me today. If you have any comments, thoughts, opinions, please let me know.
Jun Yuan Lim
Ewen Chia's Newbie Cash Machine
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Ewen Chia has recently released a new product - called the "Newbie Cash Machine". According to Ewen, this product is meant to help newbies make real money online with simple step-by-step cash machines. For those who do not know who Ewen Chia is, let me do a very brief introduction about Ewen Chia.
Ewen is one of the pioneer Internet Marketers who has been marketing on the Internet since 1997. He is now a world-famous and highly respected Internet Marketer, and has recently been voted as the BEST speaker in the highly prestigious "World Internet Summit" in Australia in 2007. Ewen has also been officially invited as the ONLY Singapore featured speaker in the world's biggest Internet Marketing event - the "World Internet Mega Summit", held in Singapore in May 2007. To date, Ewen has produced a couple of high quality, yet affordable, Internet Marketing products, such as Secret Affiliate Weapon, Autopilot Internet Profits and Affiliate of the Month.
I have purchased most of Ewen's products and was also one of the first to get my hands on his latest product - "Newbie Cash Machine". Here's a screenshot of his "Newbie Cash Machine" page:
As you can see from the above screenshot, Ewen has prepared a bonus report specially for you. There's no obligation to buy his product. You can just download the bonus report. Its free-of-charge.
Ok, back to my review of "Newbie Cash Machine". This 141-page "Newbie Cash Machine" indeed covers EVERYTHING newbies need to know about Internet Marketing.
Ewen starts off by giving a very comprehensive introduction on what Internet Marketing is all about, and how people actually make money from the Internet. Following that, he goes on and explain how YOU can start making money on the Internet, even if you are not IT-savvy. For those of you who think that you need to spend lots of money to start a business on the Internet, you're totally wrong. In fact, you need NOT spend a single cent if you don't wish to (Ewen will teach you how). :)
In "Newbie Cash Machine", Ewen covers, in great depth, how to do research - particularly, how to find a red hot, profitable, and rabid market (almost 10 pages of information and illustration on that), and also where and how to find products that are sellable (you won't want to sell something that is not in demand, would you?).
After doing the necessary research and finding the product to sell, Ewen covers HOW you can reach out to your potential customers. He reveals several different methods (paid and free) on how you can do so (You need to reach out to your potential customers and drive traffic to your product page in order to make money). He also touches on how you can bring traffic to your product page (both paid as well as free). Not to worry, there's nothing technical. For each and every method Ewen touches on, there's lots of illustration (step-by-step instructions) that accompanies it (it's almost idiot proof!).
I have captured a page of Ewen's "Newbie Cash Machine" in the above screenshot. Unlike other Internet Marketing books, Ewen's "Newbie Cash Machine" is very well written, with lots of screenshots illustrating his explanations.
On top of everything, Ewen has also written 2 chapters on how you can set up your own autoresponder and blogs respectively.
To sum it up, Ewen's "Newbie Cash Machine" lived up to its expectations - it indeed covered EVERYTHING a newbie would need to start making cash on the Internet. What's more, at ONLY US$27, I think this book's a steal! In my opinion, this book is worth more than US$27!!
If you are a newbie to Internet Marketing, and seeking for a good book to read and find out more about how to make money on the Internet, I strongly recommend you purchase a copy of "Newbie Cash Machine".
Ewen is so confident that "Newbie Cash Machine" will benefit you that he even have a 8-week MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE! This simply means - if after you purchase "Newbie Cash Machine" and find that it's nothing but fluff and B.S., let Ewen know within 8-weeks after your purchase, and he'll refund you the full amount, no questions asked. :)
To get your copy of Ewen's "Newbie Cash Machine" today, please click here.
If you have any questions, I'll love to hear from you. Please drop me an email at I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
I'll like to take this opportunity to once again urge you to grab your copy of Ewen's "Newbie Cash Machine" here while its still selling at US$27 (as he's going to increase the price really soon), and would like to wish you all the best in your Internet Marketing journey. :)
To your success,
Jun Yuan Lim
Paid Surveys - Money Spinner or Scam?
Friday, June 1, 2007
My topic for today is about Paid Surveys. Does paid survey programs make you lots of money or are they just pure scam?
I'm sure you've come across sites where people tell you how much they are making from paid surveys, how much they are enjoying life now from the money made from paid surveys, etc. You get excited and continue reading... When you reach the bottom of these pages, you'll see a link telling you to sign up for these paid survey programs (where you have to pay somewhere around US$40, or even more), and start making money immediately from participating in surveys.
The thought of being able to make big money from surveys (and also the fact that there's some 60-day money back guarantee) made me sign up for one of the highly recommended paid survey programs (I can't reveal the name of the site for privacy purposes). I paid about $40 registration fee to sign up as a member.
Upon signing up, an email was sent to me with a generic user ID and password where I can access the member's page. I've made a screen capture of one of the member's page, as follows:
In the above screenshot, you see a list of paid survey sites you can join and start making money. Upon clicking on each of these sites, the survey company's page will be loaded in a new Window where you can sign up. Payment of fees will be made by the individual survey companies.
The following is another screenshot of the paid survey member page site that I've paid to sign up:
You can also get paid to shop, read emails, or drive. Each of this link contains a list of sites where you can sign up and make money.
I'm not saying that these paid sites are scams - BUT, there actually NO NEED to pay to get these list of paid survey sites!! - Simply go to and type in "free paid surveys" and you'll see the following:
In the above screenshot, you'll see a list of free paid survey sites where you can join and start making money - and the best part is, these free paid survey sites are EXACTLY what you'll see in the paid survey program that I've paid!
I asked for a refund immediately - less than 24 hours after I've signed up... I sent an email to both Clickbank, as well as to the vendor. The vendor didn't respond to my request, but Clickbank did, and I got my refund back the following day.
My advice for you is - DO NOT sign up for these paid survey programs. They are not worth your money at all. If you like to make money from surveys, just go to and type in "free paid surveys", "free paid emails", "free paid shopping", etc., and you'll get lots of sites where you can site up for FREE and start making money.
Any thoughts? Please let me know. :)
Yours Sincerely
Jun Yuan Lim