Welcome Message
Sunday, December 3, 2006
First and foremost, I want to thank you for visiting my blog.
Personal Introduction
Before I start, let me first introduce myself. I’m Jun Yuan (you can call me JY for short) and I am born and bred in Singapore. I have graduated from the University of London in Computing and Information System with a First Class Honours degree in 2005 and currently working as an executive.
I have huge interests in developing websites and conducting IT training (I have done IT training on web design and news production to Primary and Secondary school students, as well as NITLP (National IT Literacy Programmes – a programme initiated by the Singapore government for adults / senior citizens with very little or no computing experience to learn how to surf the Internet, as well as to send and receive emails) from 2003 – 2004 while doing my degree part-time and have learnt a lot during those 2 years, especially in the area of managing interpersonal relationships and speaking in front of a large number of audiences. Currently, I have 2 personal webpages – 1 containing more information about myself (including my resume, projects done in school and as a freelance programmer, etc.), and the other one dedicated to my girlfriend and I.
This is the first time I’m creating a blog, so pardon me if it is not up to standard. If you have any tips on how I can improve it, please let me know. I’ll be most happy to learn from you.
Personal Experience on Money Making
I know the first question you might be thinking of asking me is “Junyuan, you’re an IT graduate. What knowledge do you have on money making ?”
Let me share with you my story – Right after I graduated, I harboured same thoughts as many fresh graduates – to find a stable and good paying job. I do not have other money making intentions. My only source of income will be from my monthly salary.
My perception on money making remained as such until I started reading a book on how one can be a self-made millionaire. (I will share with you more on what I have learnt from this book in my next postings.) The book shared with me something which I want to share with all of you – it IS possible to make money from the Internet, and it IS possible to do so without any upfront costs.
Interesting, isn’t it ? Yes ! I felt it was truly amazing ! I dived right in to more research online and read even more books on Internet marketing, spending my free time on them, and applying the different money making techniques I’ve learnt. I will share with you my experiences as well.
Blog contents
I would like to share with you the tips and tricks on how we can make money on the Internet. It is possible to make money on the Internet provided we have applied the right skills.
Just for your information, I am still learning (via trial and error and learning from people’s past experiences) and trying to uncover the secrets to making money online. I sincerely would like to welcome you to join me in my money making journey. I am sure the whole process will be a very meaningful and enriching one.
This blog is free for all to come and share your experiences and thoughts about online money making. If you have any posts that would like me to upload, please email them to me at ljunyuan@msn.com. I’ll be happy to put them here for everyone’s reading. (I’ll definitely credit the author for his / her post.)
Yours Sincerely
Jun Yuan
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